Sunday, December 2, 2012

"If Relationship is Effort... I Will Match Your Work"

Relationships aren't easy - period. Let's be honest, in considering your dating history have you ever had a relationship with someone in which you felt like EVERYTHING was perfect (in the literal sense of the word... meaning free of any flaw)? Have you ever been with someone and felt like there was nothing either one of you could do to make it any more better than what it already was?
If you are single, and you answered yes - then please ask yourself why you are single (because clearly you missed your boat lol).  If you are currently in a relationship, and you answered yes - then hopefully the person you have that "free of any flaw" relationship with - is the person you are currently committed to.
If we are measuring perfection by it's literal definition then I don't know if the perfect relationship exists. If we are using the word subjectively I can see it being a possibility. But even having that subjectively perfect relationship isn't easy. It takes work.

Too often people jump into relationships without realizing how much effort goes into maintaining them. When things happen that test the strength of their connection and then go unexpectedly, they often let disappointment get the best of them. As an example, let's put into perspective some reasons why relationships end. Let's exclude the extremes of cheating or loss of interest, and consider the more subtle reasons like someone feeling a lack of appreciation or respect, not feeling understood or heard, and having insecurities or harboring resentment, etc. It's these subtleties that get us caught up because we often fail to acknowledge our part in them. We get so involved in our emotions that we start to play the blame game. We begin to trick ourselves into believing that it's all up to the other person to change in order to make the relationship work. We are so busy pointing our finger that we can't see the role we play in the tension. We convince ourselves it's them and not us... so we end it.

A lot of the time, people don't genuinely try to understand the whys behind the bumps in the road and accept the relationship failure without really putting in time to make it work. Putting in time or effort doesn't mean staying in the relationship waiting on the other person to change, it means making sure you're honestly being the best you can be. Sometimes it starts with the man or woman in the mirror.

Remember, "love ain't simple why can't it be anything worth having you work at annually?"

Just a little food for thought...

Quotes from Common "The Light" - Listen here


  1. It's no coincident that I happened to be on Twitter and seeing this link. God is so silly how he makes things work. This is the advice I was looking for, and my best friend gave it to me. No time or distance will come between our connection.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting! It is amazing how God finds ways to speak to us when we need it the most. I'm glad you enjoyed the post! -Christina

  2. Well said. As I was reading I was thinking "start with the woman in the mirror" and you went right there. The icing on the cake was to hear my man Common. Thanks for this.

    1. Thank you for commenting LeAnne!! I'm happy you liked it! - Christina

  3. Well said! All I can say is "Amen!" : )
