Monday, October 22, 2012

"Whatever it is you desire for your life, develop it first within yourself" - Ralph Martson
This quote so beautifully summarizes my journey. I'm excited about discovering what it is I want out of life, and making it so by developing who I am as a person. I know that it all starts with me. Let's be reminded that life is what we make it. Think about what it is you truly want out of life and begin to nurture that desire within you. 
Be Happy. Live Free. 

Happy Monday! 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

23 (B-Day)

23.. Wow! Where does the time go? Though part of me is kind of freaked out about how fast time is passing by, the other part is excited to greet 23. I've declared this year to be the year of my transition. Now what it is I am transitioning into exactly, is still a mystery; I am still working on trying to figure that out lol. But I do know that I don't want to be delayed by not acting. Sitting around waiting on my epiphany is not going to cut it anymore. I want to practice the mantra of "DOING" rather than just talking about it. The key to getting any of my ideas to come to fruition is to act. Yes, it is definitely easier said than done, but at some point we all have to learn to let go of the excuses right?